Catching up + Collaboration network update: 2010-2024

You wouldn’t know it from the lack of updates on this blog, but it’s been a busy couple years. I’m sure I’m missing many important things, but a few highlights include:

While trying to update my (now every-other-year) traditional collaboration network post, I also found a few tidbits about assistant professor life that I never got around to writing up.

Below is a plot of collaborations/papers (circles) over time (x-axis) by collaborator/coauthor (y-axis). I always like this plot because I feel like it is both a useful reminder that really good, compatible collaborators (i.e., the ones you want to work with again and again) are rare, but also that some one-off projects were fun and you got to meet interesting people and that made the whole thing worth it.

Here is an upset plot of my most frequent collaborators (in terms of numbers of papers) and their different sets. Most of these collaborators are actually people I don’t often collaborate with anymore, but when we did collaborate, we were quite productive.

Conditional on having more than one collaboration together, who are my “most efficient” collaborators in terms of average number of citations? On the right are people I’ve written a lot with (Nancy Krieger, Jarvis Chen, and Caroline Buckee), while on the upper left are people I haven’t written a lot with but those papers got a lot of attention (Nishant Kishore and Rafa Irizarry).